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T2 Domestic Departures Taxi Drop-off

We’ve implemented a trial taxi drop off at the Domestic terminal to help with congestion and delays during the busy morning peak.

From 17 October 2019, between 5am and 7am Monday to Friday, if you’re heading to the Domestic terminal (T2) by taxi you’ll be dropped at the Arrivals level.

A quick lift ride or escalator takes you up to the check-in hall and you’re on your way.

View or download the latest map here.


Frequently Asked Questions
What are the changes to the drop off location at the Domestic terminal?

As part of our ongoing effort to reduce congestion, especially along Departures Road during the morning peak, Sydney Airport has implemented a trial taxi drop off at the T2 Domestic terminal on the Arrivals level.

What does this mean if I’m heading to the Domestic terminal by taxi?

If you’re travelling to the Domestic terminal via taxi between 5am and 7am Monday to Friday, you’ll be dropped off on the Arrivals level. From that level, you’ll be directed by staff to lifts and escalators up to departures to check-in to your flight.

When will the changes be implemented?

The trial commenced on 17 October 2019.

Is this a permanent change?

This is a trial, but if it reduces travel times and reduces congestion as we expect, we will make this a permanent change.

Why is Sydney Airport implementing this change?

The delays and congestion on the roads around the airport are frustrating and we want to make sure we are doing everything we can to improve your trip to and from the airport.

We’re capitalising on the Arrivals level for taxi drop offs as there are no pick-ups in this area until after 6am when the curfew has ceased.

Is this only for taxi drop offs, does it include rideshare and hire cars?

Only taxis are eligible to access this area from 5am to 7am Monday to Friday.

Do I need to make my taxi driver aware of this change?

We’ve engaged with the NSW Taxi Council to ensure drivers are aware, so no action is required by you.

Why is it limited to taxi drop offs?

Taxis know the location well and are also easily identifiable by our ground transport staff.

What if I’m travelling with someone who is elderly or has limited mobility?

If you’re travelling with elderly passengers, are mobility impaired or are travelling with passengers with limited mobility and require specific access to the terminal, your taxi driver will be able to drop you off at the Departures level.

What about if I’m travelling with a large family or small children/babies and have a lot of additional luggage?

If you’re travelling with a large family or small children/babies and have a lot of luggage and require specific access to the terminal, your taxi driver will be able to drop you off at the Departures level.

What about if I’m heading to the Virgin Lounge via the premium entry located on Departures Road – am I required to be dropped off on the Arrivals level?

No, you can instruct your taxi driver to drop you on Departures level.

What if I’m getting an uber, are there any changes to the drop off at the Domestic terminal?

There are no changes to the drop off location for rideshare vehicles who will access Departures Road for dropping off passengers.

What about if I’m landing at the Domestic terminal - do I still access the taxi rank on the Arrivals level?

Yes, there are no changes to the taxi pick up locations for arriving passengers.

Can I jump in a taxi that has dropped off a passenger on the Arrivals level?

There are allocated bays for taxi pick-up in Arrivals, with clear signs to show you were they are located.

Will I be hit with the ground transport access fee as part of the trial?

No, passengers will not incur the ground transport access fee as part of this trial.

What are you hoping to achieve through this initiative?

Our aim is to reduce congestion and delays during the morning peak within the Domestic precinct.

The Arrivals level can accommodate 15 vehicles at a time, with an average drop off time of three minutes per vehicle, we anticipate the taxi rank will be able to accommodate 300 vehicles per hour.

Furthermore, with 300 vehicles per hour at an average length of six metres, we anticipate we will be able to remove up to 1.8km of traffic congestion per hour.

What other congestion-busting initiatives are underway?

Over the past five years, we’ve invested significantly in reducing congestion and improving access to the airport, but we know there’s more we can do. You can read more about how we’re improving our road network here .