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How can we help you today?

Planning, building and projects at SYD

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for planning approvals?

You can make a pre-application enquiry and submit your application online using our Planning Approvals Tool.

Simply log on to the planning tool to:

  • Make a pre-application enquiry so our planning team can recommend the best approach for submitting a successful submission
  • Submit an application following the step-by-step online process, providing key information about your organisation, the location of the works, the type of works being undertaken and documentation to support your application

Register here if you have not logged on before or log in if you’re an existing user

Which application do I need to apply for?

There are four application processes that may apply to you depending on your project. Our team can help you determine which application is right for you:

  • Development application (DA)
  • Application for Sydney Airport Consent (SC)
  • Application for Minor Works Authorisation (MW)
  • Amended Application (AA)

You’ll also need to submit a building application to the Airport Building Controller (ABC) to secure a Works Permit, Building Permit or Demolition Authority.

Using consistent drawings with the same revision numbers will help your application proceed through the process in a timely manner.

For more information, contact our team on +61 2 9667 9080 or email us for more information.

What are the fees payable for planning approval applications?

A full list of fees can be found in our Fee Schedule.