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Parking terms and conditions of entry

By entering and remaining in this car park you enter into a contract with Sydney Airport Corporation Limited (ABN 62 082 578 809) (“SACL”) upon these terms and conditions. Certain aspects of this car park are managed and operated by SACL’s agents. All rights conferred upon SACL in these terms and conditions can be exercised by SACL or its agents.

If you do not accept these terms and conditions, you must not enter the car park, or, if you can not turn around then you may enter the car park but you must exit immediately.

  1. You must: a. collect and retain the parking ticket issued to you on entry to the car park; or b. if you entered the car park by presenting your credit card and did not collect a ticket or one was not issued to you, ensure that the same credit card is made available at the time your vehicle exits the car park.

  2. You must pay the applicable fee for your use of the car park.

  3. We may not permit your vehicle to exit the car park until:

    1. where available, a valid parking ticket is presented to the attendant and the applicable fee is paid;
    2. a valid parking ticket is accepted by an exit payment machine and the applicable fee is paid;
    3. a valid SACL parking authority is presented to the attendant or accepted by an exit payment machine;
    4. a valid parking ticket is accepted by the exit payment terminal together with payment by a valid credit card;
    5. if you have entered the car park by presenting your credit card and did not receive a ticket, a valid credit card is accepted by the exit payment terminal; or
    6. in circumstances where you have misplaced the parking ticket issued to you on entry or don’t have the same credit card that was used to enter the car park , you must pay the applicable ’Lost ticket’ fee for tickets that are misplaced or otherwise lost. This fee is as prescribed upon the rate boards at the car park entry.
  4. The Australian Road Rules and the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997 apply and are enforced at Sydney Airport and you must comply with these rules and regulations. Fines are payable by you for non-compliance.

  5. You must:

    1. not enter public free parking zones if you are conducting commercial activities, for example, TV plated vehicles and courtesy buses;
    2. not cause any obstructions, including parking across more than one bay;
    3. not park in a disabled bay without displaying a current disability permit; and
    4. comply with all parking signs, permit zones and directions issued to you by SACL or its representatives.
  6. If you fail to comply with clause 5(b) by parking across more than one bay so that no other vehicle has reasonable opportunity to park in that bay, you must pay an additional amount equivalent to two times the fee that would be payable by you if clause 5(b) was not breached.

  7. You agree that your use of this car park is at your own risk.

  8. The Australian Consumer Law sets out certain guarantees that may apply to the supply of goods or services by us. These guarantees give you rights that cannot be excluded, restricted or modified. The exclusion of guarantees and warranties, and the limitation of liability, in these terms and conditions, apply subject to any rights you may have under the Australian Consumer Law.

  9. To the fullest extent permitted by law SACL excludes its liability to you. In the case of any warranties, conditions or guarantees implied into this contract by the Australian Consumer Law, if the services supplied to you are not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption, SACL limits its liability to:

    1. supplying the services to you again; or
    2. the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
  10. SACL, its agents or its representatives may enter, move or tow away your vehicle for operational or safety reasons.

  11. You agree that if your vehicle appears to be abandoned in the car park or on Sydney Airport land, SACL, its agents or representatives may move and / or dispose of your vehicle in accordance with the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997 (Cth). For the avoidance of doubt and to the extent permitted by law, this agreement replaces any other statute which may otherwise apply in relation to the removal or disposal of the vehicle, including the Uncollected Goods Act 1995 (NSW).

  12. If we have to tow your vehicle as a result your breach of these terms and conditions, you must pay our reasonable costs for towing and storage of your vehicle.

  13. You agree to indemnify SACL against any loss or damage it may suffer arising out of your negligence or breach of these terms and conditions.