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Safety and Compliance


AWP - Airport Work Plan

Who needs an AWP?

Any contractor conducting works on Sydney Airport land requires an AWP.

This includes companies either directly engaged by Sydney Airport, or engaged by a Tenant/Retailer/Airline/Operator at Sydney Airport. If works are contracted by a Tenant/Retailer/Airline/Operator, they are considered third party works.

An Approved AWP must be posted on a hoarding, stored at the worksite, and/or carried on person by any contractors conducting works.

It is a document to demonstrate that the contractor has an established relationship with Sydney Airport to conduct the works, or that the contractor has an established relationship with a Tenant/Retailer/Airline/Operator to conduct the works.

The works must comply with the conditions on the AWP, such as scope, hours of work, and location.

Any works being conducted without the contractor being able to present an Approved AWP will be stopped.

What type of works need an AWP?

All works require an AWP. This also includes deliveries, site inspections, photography, site measure, cleaning and shutdown right up to major construction works.

Apply for an AWP

For more information and instructions on how to apply for an AWP, visit the SYD website.

Help and Support with your AWP application

If you are experiencing technical problems with the application:

Please email a screen shot to assist in diagnosing the problem. Email support is available Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm excluding public holidays.

For support during the application process please contact your Sydney Airport Facilitator, or:

Critical Risk Standards

The Critical Risk Standards set minimum performance requirements to eliminate so far as reasonably practicable, or minimise risk and impacts associated with activities undertaken at the airport.

Our CRS set minimum expectations with which we must all comply when conducting any work involving any of the below listed critical risk tasks:

  1. Asbestos and hazardous materials
  2. Confined spaces
  3. Cranes and lifting operations
  4. Demolition
  5. Electrical safety
  6. Excavation and trenching
  7. Fitness for work
  8. Formwork and falsework (including pre-cast and tilt-up)
  9. Hazardous chemicals
  10. Hot works
  11. Isolation and lockout/tagout (LOTO)
  12. Plant and equipment
  13. Traffic management
  14. Working at heights

Each of the CRS has an intent and outlines potential hazards and minimum performance requirements associated with the critical risk. The work you are undertaking may involve more than one critical risk. In this case, each CRS which applies to the work must be considered and followed. Following a combination of CRS may be required. For example, the erection of formwork may also involve working at height.

Please refer to the Critical Risk Standards for more information.

Please ensure you report any safety incidents or near misses via one of the channels below:

Useful links