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Airport Access and Security


Aviation Security Identification Cards - ASIC

An Aviation Security Identification Card is an Australian identification card that shows that the holder of the card has undergone a security check and is suitable to enter a secure area of an Australian Airport.

Listed below are the different access cards. Click on the link provided for the service required.

ID and Access Services

All ID and access services, including lost property and visitor passes, are located within the Airport Services Centre. There are two Airport Services Centres at Sydney Airport. One is located on level 3 of the T1 International terminal (near the medical centre) and the other is located at the T2 Domestic terminal after security (behind the food court).

For more information visit the on ID and Access Services section of the SYD website.

Retailer Tools of Trade

Tools of Trade are prohibited and restricted items that are authorised to be carried through a screening point and used in the sterile area for a lawful purpose (e.g. for use in a food outlet).

Retailers and those who work within food outlets must ensure these items are not accessible to, or visible to members of the public and they must be permanently secured to a shop fitting (e.g. securely chained to an immovable part of a counter or inside a drawer).

Every retail tenancy that has tools of trade, must also have a register which details what tools of trade are in your possession. This register must be kept accurate and current.

How do I apply for a Tools of Trade?

Retailers requiring tools of trade need to complete a sterile area tenant security program. The form will need to be complete and sent back to

What are the ongoing conditions to carry and hold Tools of Trade?

  1. All staff with access to Tools of Trade must have an ASIC or under supervision of an ASIC holder.
  2. Tools of trade register is to be kept within your tenancy and updated at the commencement and completion of trade.
  3. A3 Poster - Sterile Area Tenant Tools of Trade Security Direction – is to be displayed within your tenancy
  4. Tools must be under constant visual and physical control. Do not leave items unattended or accessible to unauthorised persons.
  5. Tools to be secured by a flexible steel cable or chained to an immovable part of the work area.
  6. Lock them away when not being used.
  7. If you misplace or lose control of a Tools of Trade you must notify Sydney Airport Security immediately on 9667 9673.

Security Awareness Guide and Emergency Phone Numbers

The SYD Security Awareness Guide is a useful reference tool for everyone working at SYD to understand their role and responsibilities in maintaining the security of the airport.

All staff and contractors at SYD should familiarise themselves with this document to ensure they are equipped with the appropriate security knowledge to perform their role, while helping to keep the airport safe and secure.

Emergency Guide

The SYD Emergency Guide which includes active armed offender and communicated threat instructions can be found here.