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Loading dock, waste and storage cages


Loading dock and waste room training

All new staff are required to complete Loading Dock orientation and Waste Room Training. Sydney Airport and its tenants are responsible for managing health and safety risks associated with the use of terminal loading dock and waste room equipment such as cardboard compactors, waste chutes and bin lifters. 

To manage this risk, all tenants are required to attend the Train-the-Trainer program and facilitate in-house training for all operators requiring access to these facilities. Record of this training must be provided to in order to gain access to Terminal Waste Rooms and associated equipment.

New Airport tenants - please contact to organise training. Please note; access to waste facilities is not granted until training is complete.

For more information, please contact

Delivery of goods

  • It is every Retailer’s responsibility to meet their delivery drivers at the dock
  • Stock received, including pallets are to be removed from the dock on the same day and taken to tenancies and or storage cages. It is expected that delivery drivers contact the store on approach and be met by the retailer’s staff member on arrival to sign for goods
  • Non-ASIC delivery drivers can leave stock on the Dock for retailers to move
  • Delivery drivers who have an ASIC are to take stock directly to the tenancy 
  • If there is more than one load the stock can be left on the dock during this time
  • Unattended vehicles cannot be left at the dock base and must be moved to the designated parking spaces within the dock precinct

Fresh product deliveries

Fresh produce and refrigerated goods should be collected within thirty minutes of delivery.

Should they not be collected within this timeframe these items may disposed of without notice.

Back of House: Work, Health and Safety Overview

As workers, retailers, tenants, delivery drivers, or couriers you must ensure your own safety and the safety of others by taking reasonable action and following all reasonable procedures, instructions and policies. 

The SYD Safety Policy Statement outlines our commitment to safety to ensure everyone goes home safe and healthy. The policy has been designed to meet all relevant safety legislative requirements of Civil Aviation Act 1988, the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and associated regulations and best practice standards.

Retailers in the Food and Beverage retail industry must be aware of the specific Legislation and guidelines regarding food handling and the control, receipt and disposal of food through the dock. For more information you can contact the Food Safety Information Council or go to

For your safety and the safety of others:

  • Be aware of the emergency evacuation procedure and locations of Fire Safety Equipment, First Aid Equipment and signage at the dock
  • High visibility clothing must be worn whilst in the loading dock
  • Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when required to do so
  • Under no circumstances may any goods be placed in or around any fire protection or emergency evacuation equipment, signage or doors
  • Smoking is prohibited in the dock area
  • All goods must be placed on pallets. Under no circumstances may any food items may be left on the loading dock ground surface
  • Only operate SYD equipment that you have been trained on and authorised to use
  • If you identify any hazards, improvement or experience or witness an incident this must be reported as soon as reasonably practicable


It is through reporting that SYD gains an understanding of the hazards and risks associated with the operation and is able to assess, evaluate and review required actions.

All hazards, observations, near misses, incidents, and improvements must be reported through the appropriate means. If unsure whether to report something, it is best to report it.

Fault and damage reporting to (02) 9667 9666 must be immediate. Plant and equipment may need to be isolated, and stakeholders notified.

Vehicles and parking

The dock can be a very busy environment and requirements are in place to ensure everyone’s safety, these include:

  • be aware of pedestrians and pedestrian access points in the dock area
  • comply with parking restrictions and signage
  • delivery vehicles must report to the parking officer on duty at the dock parking area and follow directions as to where to park while carrying out delivery
  • 30 minute limit for vehicles to park at the dock while carrying out delivery
  • vehicles approaching the loading dock must do so in reverse and follow traffic markings
  • vehicles must be turned OFF when parked at the dock
  • Vehicles are not permitted to park within Keep Clear zones
  • no vehicle may be left unattended at the dock face
  • maintenance contractors must receive authorisation from the Dock Manager to park at the loading dock
  • parking infringements and tow away services are enforceable at SYD. To avoid any infringements adhere to parking signage at the dock

Pallets, Crates, Tubs, Kegs


All deliveries made by suppliers need to be palletised, either before the delivery is made, or, once at the dock. Goods should be packed onto pallets. Under no circumstances may any food items be left on the loading dock ground surface.

Pallets must be placed in one stack in the allocated location. Plain Timber Pallets will be removed through Veolia, Contact the Dock Manager on 0407 912 452.

Retailers who receive palletised goods on Chep, Loscam or unbranded pallets need to ensure a strict like-for-like swap policy is established and maintained with suppliers to prevent the unnecessary build-up of pallets on the dock. If a build-up occurs and SYD must facilitate the removal of the pallets, the cost of removal will be at the retailer’s expense.

Pallets stacked with goods are not to be left outside storage cages unless the delivery process is still in place. Pallets stacked with goods are not permitted to be left outside overnigh

Empty pallets staging areas

  • Plain pallets are to be stacked neatly in the loading dock allocated area for your terminal
  • T1 - Chep and Loscam pallets to be stored outside the lifts on the basement
  • For WHS purposes, pallets can never be stacked on their sides as the risk of injury is increased

Crates & Tubs

All plastic tubs and crates used for food distribution and storage especially those that have contained raw meat and fish product need to be thoroughly rinsed at the tenant’s retail or in the wash bay located at the loading dock.

Plastic tubs and crates (e.g., milk and bread) are collected and removed daily from the dock. It is imperative that they be stacked neatly by colour in the area provided to ensure removal (e.g., all blue crates together). If a build-up occurs and SYD must facilitate the removal of tubs and crates, the cost of removal will be at the retailer’s expense.

Contact the Dock Manager on 0407912452 for the removal of excess crates.

Gas cylinder and keg management

Empty gas cylinders and kegs are to be kept within tenancies and/or storage cages until they are exchanged Cylinders should be stored vertically on concrete floors within storage cages and fastened with the appropriate chains At no time are empty gas cylinders or kegs to be left on the Dock Further information on storage and handling of gas cylinders can be found at

Kegs and gas bottles

Empty kegs must be kept in the storage areas and collected with each new delivery of kegs.

A like-for-like swap routine needs to be maintained in order to keep the dock free of Gas Bottles and Kegs.

Organic Waste

Reducing and recycling food waste is one of the most effective ways to address climate change and diverting food waste from landfill is our greatest opportunity to improve our recycling performance.

The below Organics Recycling Guide is designed to provide you with all the information you need on how to effectively segregate and manage organic waste within your tenancies.

What does this mean for you as a Food and Beverage operator at SYD?

120L bins, labelled “Food Organics” have been placed in designated bin areas across all terminals and are available for your use. You are permitted to take these to your tenancies and drop-off and pick up a new bin once full.

Organic layout T1T1 Designated area T2 Designated area Organic layout T2 Organic layout T3T3 Designated area

Additionally, we have smaller green lidded caddies available. Please contact to organise a caddy to be delivered to your tenancy.

Key points to note:

  • These organic bins and caddies are designated specifically for food waste and coffee ground only.
  • No plastic bags/ liners, paper towel, tea bags, shells, large bones, husks, packaging (even when compostable) or garden waste.
  • Avoid cross-contamination.
  • Replacement bins and caddies will be made available in all designated bin areas.
  • Simply take your caddy or bin to the drop-off location to empty or exchange.

SYD Organics Printable Sign

For all enquires, please contact

Waste removal

Rubbish and cardboard removal

All cardboard waste needs to be flat packed and put into the compactor. The compactor needs to be switched on each time cardboard is placed in it. Standard Operating Procedures for waste equipment are located on the equipment.

General and wet waste needs to be disposed of through the waste chutes on each floor in the Airport Terminal.

Oil removal

Waste oil is the responsibility of each individual retailer and used oils must be poured into the special storage tank provided for this purpose, located in the fire exit corridor in Dock 1. Please ensure waste cooking oils only are disposed of in this tank. No contaminants are to be disposed of in this tank. Please do not leave waste oil drums in this area.

  • It is the tenants responsibility to arrange responsible disposal of waste oil
  • Oil containers are to be exchanged through your terminals’ dock
  • Empty oil containers are to be disposed of through Dock 6.

Should you have any queries please contact Rod Lewis, Back of House Manager, on 0407912452 or



Dock operators need to be aware of ASIC requirements at SYD.

No unauthorised persons are allowed to access the terminal through the dock access points

Use of Dock Equipment

All mechanical and hydraulic lifting equipment may be only used by appropriately trained individuals.

Airport Luggage Trolleys

Under no circumstances are airport luggage trolleys allowed to be used for the transport of goods through the terminal by retailers.

Under no circumstances may airport trolleys be left at the dock.

House Keeping

Airport cleaners are required to clean and sweep the dock operational area on a daily basis. Fulton Hogan maintain the housekeeping in the dock parking area.

No stock, pallets or rubbish is to be left outside the operational areas and any rubbish left will be removed by SYD and cost will be attributed to the applicable tenant.

No food is to be left in or outside the work area overnight, this will attract unwanted vermin.

Anti-pass back door at T2

The loading dock has an anti-pass back door the tenants can use to exit the loading dock storage area when the screening point is closed.

Holding bays at T2

There are two holding bay areas at the dock. One is located outside the loading dock and is to be used for goods delivered waiting to be screened. The other is located inside the dock past the screening point for goods that have been screened and need to be taken to either the store or storage cage.

Any deliveries placed in these areas need to be removed ASAP.

Fresh Food Hygiene Practice

All fresh and frozen food deliveries must be collected from the dock within 1 hour or it will be disposed as required under the requirements of Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements.

Storage cages

Storage cages are allocated to retailers through SYD Retail.

The cage(s) must clearly be labelled with:

  • Business name
  • Business contact person
  • Emergency contact number 

All retailers that maintain storage cages must ensure:

  • Cages remain safe and in acceptable condition; inclusive of keeping the cage(s) clean and debris free storage equipment (such as shelves, fridges, etc.) is securely installed, reporting any damage or faults
  • Nothing is to be stored or left outside the cage
  • Goods stored at ground level need to be palletised and gas bottles need to be secured
  • It is recommended that regular stock rotations are taken on caged stock to ensure obsolete and expired stock is discarded and storage capacity is maximised
  • Items stored outside of designated storage areas will be considered a security risk and may be removed. Infringement notices may apply

Should you require additional space please contact your retail manager or email

Loading docks and screening points - Hours of operation and addresses

T1 International

Loading Dock
Arrivals Court
Sydney International Airport
Mascot 2020
Daily0400 - 2300
Passenger, staff & Goods screening points
T1 Main Departures
Pier C Screening

Monday - Friday
Saturday - Sunday

24 hours
0500 - 1700
0500 - 1500

T2 Domestic

Loading Dock
Keith Smith Avenue
Mascot 2020
Monday - Friday
0400 - 1800
0400 - 1200
0400 - 1200
Passenger, staff & goods screening points
T2 Main Departures
T2 Arrivals (passenger screening)

Thursday and Friday

24 hours
0500 - 0800
1530 - 1830

T3 Domestic

Loading Dock
Keith Smith Avenue
Mascot 2020
Monday - Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Public Holidays
0400 - 1400
0400 - 1000
Passenger, staff & goods screening points
T3 Main Departures
T3 Western (passenger screening)

Monday - Friday
Saturday and Sunday

24 hours
0400 - 1400
0400 - 1000

Waste Disposal

T1 International

WasteTenancy LocationWhere to take
Flatten before placing in compactor
Landside Departures
Airside Departures
Landside Arrivals
Dock 6
Dock 6
Dock 1
General Waste
Airside tenants are not permitted to bring
general waste landside
Landside Departures
Airside Departures
Landside Arrivals
Dock 1
Pier B or C
Dock 1
Foam Boxes
Break down and place in general waste bins
Landside Departures
Airside Departures
Landside Arrivals
Dock 1
Pier B or C
Dock 1
Pallets and Waste Oil
Segregate to allocated area
All TenantsDock 6
Plastic Pallet Wraps
Must not be left on pallets as this is a trip hazard
Landside Departures
Airside Departures
Landside Arrivals
Dock 6
Kegs and Glass Bottles
Empty vessels not to be left at Dock.
Bring only when receiving a delivery to exchange
All TenantsDock 6
Milk and Bread Crates
Stacked as per brand
All tenantsDock 1
Pier B or C
Dock 1
Glass and Plastic Milk Bottles
Ensure all bottles are empty and placed in the
yellow lid recycling bins
Landside Departures
Airside Departures
Landside Arrivals
Store in tenancy or storage area and bring to dock when
receiving clean laundry
All TenantsDock 6

T2 Domestic

WasteTenancy LocationWhere to take
Flatten before placing in compactor
All TenantsCardboard Compactor Room
General WasteAll TenantsGeneral Waste Room
Foam Boxes
Break down and place in general waste bins
All TenantsGeneral Waste Room
Stack with opening facing forward
All TenantsPallet room
Plastic pallet wraps
Must not be left on pallets as this is a trip hazard
All TenantsPre-screening holding room
Kegs and Gas Bottles
Kegs - Store in tenant allocated area
Gas - Empty vessels not to be left at Dock.
Bring only when receiving a delivery to exchange
All TenantsKeg Room
Store in storage cage
Milk and Bread Crates
Stacked as per brand
All TenantsCrate Room
Glass and Oil Waste Milk Bottles
Allocated bins
All TenantsWaste Room

T3 Domestic

WasteTenancy LocationWhere to take
Flatten before placing in compactor
All TenantsCardboard Compactor Room
General WasteAll TenantsGeneral Waste Chute
Foam Boxes
Break down and place in general waste bins
All TenantsGeneral Waste Chute
Stacked neatly
All TenantsRHS of the screening point
Plastic pallet wraps
Place in bins at dock.
Must not be left on pallets due to trip hazard
All TenantsLoading Dock
Kegs and Gas Bottles
Empty vessels not to be left at Dock.
Bring only when receiving a delivery to exchange
All TenantsLoading Dock
Milk and Bread Crates
Stacked as per brand
All TenantsLoading Dock
Glass WasteAll TenantsGeneral Waste Room